Spectrum Group Software Systems are continually being analyzed, updated, with  new features being added  and refined.  We are proud of our Software System.  We have features and capabilities not offered in other systems.

KeyNET  and WorkNET will no longer be upgraded or updated after DECEMBER 31, 2016. This is a major decision for us, as we have numerous customers running on their own Server or a VM Server at their site.  Spectrum Group is committed to giving our customers the most advanced, and secure systems available. Our Customers who are using SG1 Hosted systems are all set.  Here are some of the most important reasons:

  • No Server to upgrade or replace ( SG1 Hosted servers are replaced on a 36 month rotation schedule)
  • No Server software to upgrade (SG1 Hosted servers are maintained in optimal condition)
  • No Server to maintain.
  • SG1 Hosted Servers are kept current and up to date by Spectrum Group Technicians.
  • SG1 Hosted Servers are replaced with new servers on a 36 month rotation schedule.
  • SG1 Hosted Servers are maintained on a strict daily schedule.
  • Backups of your data is backed up twice daily.
  • Your database is OPTIMIZED twice daily.
  • Backup copies are maintained on our REDUNDANT Server Farms.  In the event of a system failure, you will be switched to one of our Redundant Server Farms.
  • Virtually no DOWN TIME.
  • Your data is encrypted at all times.  The latest 256 bit encryption while on the internet, and protected by our PROPRIATARY ENCRYPTION while on SG1 Hosted Servers.